Progress Report Here's a general list relating to what we know about Side Order so far. This may not be super up-to-date but hopefully it will be enough to be useable. Floors Floor Attributes * Membux reward :Spl_Check: * Difficulty :Spl_Check: * Stage objective :Spl_Check: * Music choice * Background environment :Spl_Check: * Cage ending location :Spl_Check: * Stage items :Spl_Check: * Double color chip floor RNG Gamemodes * VictoryLift :SO_VCTower: :Spl_Check: * Tower path :Spl_Check: * Checkpoint location :Spl_Check: * Amount of checkpoints :Spl_Check: * VictoryBall :SO_VCBall: :Spl_Check: * Amount of balls :Spl_Check: * Location of balls and goals :Spl_Check: * How the walls that prevent the ball from falling off work :Spl_Check:? * VictoryArea :SO_VCZone: * Location of zones :Spl_Check: * "Health" of zones * Checkpoints * KillAllTargetEnemies :SO_VCChase: * Location of enemies to kill :Spl_Check: * Pathfinding when being chased * Can different types of enemies be the objective? * KillAllSpawner :SO_VCPortal: * Type of portal (small/large) :Spl_Check: * Custom portal health :Spl_Check:? * Portal location :Spl_Check: Logic Enemy Logic * How many enemies are spawned at a time? :Spl_Check: * Location of spawned enemies :Spl_Check: * Type of enemy spawned :Spl_Check: * Logic for when they spawn :Spl_Check: * Spawn timer :Spl_Check: * Area switches :Spl_Check: Stage Logic * Area switches :Spl_Check: * Moving stage objects * NavMesh files (used for enemy movement) Logic Files * Logic nodes * Document all nodes and what they do * Unnecessary logic * Implementing new logic Palettes Color Chips * Color chip attributes * Color chip attribute scaling * Scaling per weapon * Color chip allowed amounts * Color chip allowed weapons * Adding new color chips Weapons * Weapon attributes * Weapon preferred tones * Weapon upgrade visuals Other * Adding new palettes * Changing the size of the palette (already done by someone, no info) Extra Gameplay Elements Hacks * Hack attributes * Values changed * Maximum level * Prlz cost * Adding new hacks (already done by someone, no info) Bonus/Danger * Bonus/Danger attributes * How is a bonus/danger selected and when? * Adding new bonuses * Adding new dangers Vending Machine * How are the choices chosen? * How are vending floors chosen into the rotation? * Adding custom items for purchase Bosses * How are bosses scaled up for the F10 vs F20 versions? * Special aspects of each boss * BallKing aspects * Bumpers * Spawned enemies * Health * AI * RivalKing aspects * Amount spawned per wave * AI * Weapons * Palette replication * TowerKing aspects * Health of each layer * AI * Enemies spawned * BarrierKing * Location of tentacle portals * Health of portals * Are the portals similar to the ones on normal floors? * AI * Enemies spawned (varies per weapon and per palette?) * Making a custom boss Other * Amount of floors in the spire * Seeding of a run, RNG